Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh, also known as Ayush and Health Sciences University, Raipur, is a State University that offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various healthcare disciplines. This University was established in 2009 as a Constituent College of the University of Chhattisgarh and is located in the Indian city of Raipur, Chattisgarh.
Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh provide undergraduate and post-graduate education in various sections of medical, para medical and nursing courses. This University is also regarded to be an associated medical teaching hospital which is known as “Ayush Hospital” having more than 1000 beds. This Medical is also a boon for those students residing in and around Raipur and has a dream to become a doctor and need a place to study medicine near their home. Many patients also flock to this teaching hospital to get good treatment for their medical ailments. Ayush and Health Sciences University of Chhattisgarh are famous for its quality teaching and innovative research activities. It is also responsible for publishing maximum PubMed index journals which ranks 7th in the entire nation.
Moreover, the credit goes to the praiseworthy faculty members of Ayush and Health Sciences University of Chhattisgarh who has made the achievements of this Healthcare University a great success story. These faculty members were the active members of UNICEF, WHO, UNAIDS, World Bank, ICMR, ICMR, NACO, DST and CSIR.
Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh produce bright healthcare professionals every year that excels professionally in the healthcare sector. Aspiring students who want to make a career in the healthcare industry by studying in this premium University can search for information regarding admission procedures, medical courses and fees structure and can also download the admission forms through their official website –
Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University Result 2024 Details | |
University Name | Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University |
Location of University | Raipur, Chhattisgarh |
University Type | Government |
Affiliations | UGC |
Name of the Exam | UG and PG Exams |
Mode of Results | Online |
Result Status | Available Now |
Result Type | Semester/ Annual |
Recently Declared Result | BHMS, BAMS, MSc, BSc, MBBS, BDS Result |
Official Website | |
Ayush University Results 2024: Access Your UG & PG Semester Results Today!
The Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University, traceable to Raipur city in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, declares the exam results of its courses on its official website, Any candidate who is appearing for the semester or annual exams that are held by the Ayush And Health Science University Of Chhattisgarh should visit its official portal to check their results.
Before releasing the results, the Ayush And Health Science University Of Chhattisgarh issues notifications to inform the students about the exam release dates. After the results are released, they must browse the official website of the Ayush And Health Science University Of Chhattisgarh to view their results. To do so, they should search the home page of the website for the “Latest Results” section and click on the relevant result link. The Ayush And Health Science University Of Chhattisgarh makes available the results in PDF format.
Students must both download their examination results and maintain a print copy for their records.
The Ayush And Health Science University Of Chhattisgarh offers a host of medical and paramedical courses. Also, at the Ayush And Health Science University Of Chhattisgarh, aspirants can apply for a range of academic programs at diploma, postgraduate, doctoral, and undergraduate levels.
Result Announcement: Click Here |
Published on 14-01-2025 |
Tabulation of BPT 3rd Sep-2024 TR |
Result of BPT 3rd Year Exam Sep-2024 |
Published on 09-01-2025 |
UFM RESULT & TR OF BPT 4Th Year Examination Sep-2024 |
Result of BPT 4th Sep-2024 |
Published on 06-01-2025 |
Tabulation of BPT 4th Sep-2024 |
Retotalling Result of M.D.S. Part-II Exam. Oct-2024 |
Retotalling Result of M.D.S. Part-I Exam. Oct-2024 |
Published on 03-01-2025 |
Tabulation of B.P.T. First Year Exam. Sep-2024 |
Result of B.P.T. First Year Exam. Sep-2024 |
Published on 02-01-2025 |
Published on 27-11-2024 |
Result of B.H.M.S. Final Year Exam. Sep-2024 (New Course) |
Tabulation Chart of B.H.M.S. Final Year Exam. Sep-2024 (New Course) |
Revised Pannel Valuation Result of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Semester Exam. May-2024 (R.No. 22510029, 22510163) |
Published on 25-11-2024 |
Revised Result of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Semester Exam. May-2024 (R.No. 22512306) |
Published on 22-11-2024 |
Result of Fellowship in Pain Medicine Exam. Sep-2024 (With Tabulation) |
Published on 20-11-2024 |
Result of First M.B.B.S. Exam. Oct-2024 (With Tabulation) |
Result of Retotaling B.A.M.S. 4th Prof. Exam. July-2024 |
Tabulation of B.H.M.S. Third Year Exam. Sep-2024 (New Course) |
Result of B.H.M.S. Third Year Exam. Sep-2024 (New Course) |
Tabulation of B.H.M.S. Second Year Exam. Sep-2024 (New Course) |
Result of B.H.M.S. Second Year Exam. Sep-2024 (New Course) |
Tabulation of First M.B.B.S. Exam. Oct-2024 |
Published on 19-11-2024 |
Result of First M.B.B.S. Exam. Oct-2024 |
Result of Revaluation B.Sc. (N) 4th Sem. Exam. May-2024 |
Result of Revaluation B.Sc. (N) 3rd Sem. Exam. May-2024 |
Result of Panel Valuation B.Sc. (N) 3rd Sem. Exam. May-2024 |
Result & T.R. of B.Sc. Dialysis Technology 3rd Year Examination Sep-2024 |
Result & T.R. of B.Sc. Dialysis Technology 2nd Year Examination Sep-2024 |
Result & T.R. of B.Sc. Dialysis Technology 1st Year Examination Sep-2024 |
Published on 18-11-2024 |
List of Students Not Eligible for RE Valuation (BSC N (IISEM & IIISEM MAY-2024) Panel Valuation (M.B.B.S. 1st year Exam. July 2024) |
Result of Panel Valuation B.Sc. Nursing 4th Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Result of Revaluation B.Sc. Nursing 4th Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Published on 11-11-2024 |
Revised Result of Challenge Evaluation of Second M.B.B.S. Exam. April-2024 (R.No. 21011097) |
Revised Result of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Semester Examination May-2024 (R.No. 22513066) |
Published on 05-11-2024 |
Result of Revaluation M.B.B.S. 1st Year Exam. July-2024 |
Result of Panel Valuation M.B.B.S. 1st Year Exam. July-2024 |
List of Students Not Eligible for Panel Valuation (M.B.B.S. 1st Year Exam. July 2024) |
Published on 29-10-2024 |
Pannel Result of B.P.T.-2nd Year Exam. March-2024 |
Pannel Result of B.P.T.-4th Year Exam. March-2024 |
Revaluation Result of B.P.T.-3rd Year Exam. March-2024 |
Revaluatio Result of B.P.T.-2nd Year Exam. March-2024 |
Pannel Result of B.P.T.-1st Year Exam. March-2024 |
Published on 19-10-2024 |
Revised Result of P.B.B.Sc. Nursing First Year Exam. April-2024 (R.No. 23515266). |
Published on 15-10-2024 |
Result of Revaluation B.D.S. 3rd Year Exam. May-2024 |
Result of B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Semester Exam. Nov-2023 (R.No. 23510011) |
Published on 14-10-2024 |
Result of M.B.B.S. Third Prof. Part-II Exam. Jan-2024 (16 Students-Court Case) with Tabulation |
Revised Result of B.A.M.S. Final Prof Exam. July-2024 (R.No. 20210238) |
Published on 10-10-2024 |
Result of B.A.M.S. Final Professional Exam. July-2024 |
Tabulation of B.A.M.S. Final Professional Exam. July-2024 |
Published on 09-10-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.Sc. Nursing 4th Semester May-2024 |
Published on 03-10-2024 |
Result of Retotaling M.B.B.S. 1st Year Exam. May-2024 |
Result of B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year Exam. April-2024 (R.No. 19511114) |
Published on 01-10-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.A.M.S. 3rd Prof Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.A.M.S. 2nd Prof Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.A.M.S. 1st Prof Exam. April-2024 |
Published on 30-09-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.Sc. Nursing 1st Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.Sc. Nursing 4th Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.Sc. Nursing 3rd Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Revised Result of B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Semester Exam May-2024 (R.No. 22514265) |
Published on 27-09-2024 |
Result of Retotaling P.B. B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Retotaling P.B. B.Sc. Nursing 1st Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.Sc. Nursing 3rd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.Sc. Nursing 1st Year Exam. April-2024 |
List of Students Not Eligible for Panel & Revaluation (B.Sc. Nursing April-2024) |
Result of Revaluation P.B.B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Panel Valuation P.B. B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Panel Valuation B.Sc. Nursing 4th Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Panel Valuation B.Sc. Nursing 3rd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Revaluation B.Sc. Nursing 4th Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Revaluation B.Sc. Nursing 3rd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Published on 25-09-2024 |
Result of B.Sc Nursing 3rd Semester Examination April 2024 (R.No. 18513128, 18513135) |
WH Result of B.Sc Nursing 2nd Semester Examination May 2024 (R.No. 22514014) |
Published on 20-09-2024 |
Result of B.Sc. Nursing IInd Semester Examination May-2024 (R.No. 23511792) |
Published on 19-09-2024 |
Result of B.Sc Nursing Fourth Year Examination April 2024 (R.No. 19513273) |
Result of First M.B.B.S. Examination July 2024 (R.No. 23016577) |
Published on 18-09-2024 |
Witheld Result of First M.B.B.S. Examination July-2024 (R.No. 24010069, 24010568, 24010575, 24010683, 23016178) |
Published on 13-09-2024 |
Result of First M.B.B.S. Examination July-2024 (Old Course) With Tabulation |
Published on 09-09-2024 |
Witheld Result of B.Sc. Nursing IInd Semester Examination May-2024 R.No. 22514195 |
Result of First M.B.B.S. Examination July-2024 (18 Students) with Tabulation |
Published on 03-09-2024 |
Result of First M.B.B.S. Examination July 2024 |
Tabulation of First M.B.B.S. Examination July-2024 |
Published on 30-08-2024 |
Revised & Witheld Result of B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Semester Exam. May-2024 (11 Students) and Tr.> |
Published on 29-08-2024 |
Revised & Witheld Result of B.Sc. Nursing 1st Semester Exam. May-2024 R.No. 24514068, 23512345 |
UFM Result of B.Sc. Nursing 1st Semester Exam. May-2024 R.No. 22510850 |
UFM Result of B.Sc. Nursing 1st Semester Exam. May-2024 R.No. 24510559, 24510562 |
Published on 22-08-2024 |
Result of B.Sc. Nursing First Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Tabulation of B.Sc. Nursing First Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Published on 16-08-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.D.S. 4th Year Exam. May-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.P.T. 3rd Year Exam. March-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.P.T. 2nd Year Exam. March-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.P.T. 1st Year Exam. March-2024 |
Published on 14-08-2024 |
Result of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Tabulation Result of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Published on 13-08-2024 |
Revised Result of B.Sc. Nursing Third Semester Examination May-2024 (R.No. 22512709, 22513028) |
Revised Result of First M.B.B.S. Examination Feb-2024 (R.No. 22011214, 22011225) |
Revised Result of Second M.B.B.S. Examination April-2024 (R.No. 19010354, 20011039) |
Revised Result of First M.B.B.S. Examination Nov-2023 (R.No. 20010721) |
Published on 08-08-2024 |
Result of B.Sc. Nursing Second Semester Examination May-2024 |
Published on 02-08-2024 |
Result of B.Sc. Nursing 3rd Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Tabulation of B.Sc. Nursing 3rd Semester Exam. May-2024 |
Published on 01-08-2024 |
Revised Result of Second M.B.B.S. Exam. Feb-2024 (R.No. 19010553, 21010223) |
Revised Result of First M.B.B.S. Exam. Feb-2024 (R.No. 22010182, 22010301) |
Published on 19-06-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.H.M.S. 2nd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of Retotaling B.H.M.S. 3rd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Tabulation of P.B.B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Published on 18-06-2024 |
Result of P.B.B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year Exam. April-2024 |
Tabulation of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Year Exam. April-2024 (Old Course) |
Result of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Year Exam. April-2024 (Old Course) |
Tabulation of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Year Exam. April-2024 |
Published on 12-06-2024 |
Tabulation of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of B.Sc. Nursing 4th Year Exam. April-2024 |
Published on 10-06-2024 |
Tabulation of M.Sc. Nursing Second Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of M.Sc. Nursing Second Year Exam. April-2024 |
Tabulation of M.Sc. Nursing First Year Exam. April-2024 |
Result of M.Sc. Nursing First Year Exam. April-2024 |
Published on 28-05-2024 |
Result of Retotaling M.B.B.S. Final Part-I Exam. April-2024 |
Published on 22-05-2024 |
Witheld Result of M.B.B.S. Third Prof. Part-II Exam. April-2024 (R.No. 19010519, 20010140, 270) |
Published on 21-05-2024 |
Result of B.H.M.S. First Year Exam. April-2024 (New Course) with Tabulation |
Tabulation of B.H.M.S. Second Year Exam. April-2024 (New Course) |
Result of B.H.M.S. Second Year Exam. April-2024 (New Course) |
Tabulation of B.H.M.S. Third Year Exam. April-2024 (New Course) |
Result of B.H.M.S. Third Year Exam. April-2024 (New Course) |
Result of B.H.M.S. Final Year Exam. April-2024 (Old Course) with Tabulation |
Published on 17-05-2024 |
Witheld Result of M.B.B.S. Third Prof. Part-II Exam. April-2024 (R.No. 19010293, 20010750, 20010776, 20010789, 20010424, 20010466, 20010473) |
Published on 10-05-2024 |
Result of Retotaling M.B.B.S. 2nd Year Exam. Feb-2024 |
Tabulation of M.B.B.S. Third Prof. Part-I Exam. April-2024 |
Result of M.B.B.S. Third Prof. Part-I Exam. April-2024 |
Result of M.B.B.S. Third Prof. Part-I Exam. April-2024 (with Tabulation) |
Result of M.B.B.S. Final Part-I Exam. April-2024 (Old Course) with Tabulation |
Result of Revaluation M.B.B.S. Final Part-I Exam. Feb-2024 |
Result of Pannel Valuation M.B.B.S. Final Part-I Exam. Feb-2024 |
Published on 08-05-2024 |
Tabulation of M.B.B.S. Final Part-II Examination April-2024 |
Result of M.B.B.S. Final Part-II Examination April-2024 |
Tabulation of M.B.B.S. Third Proff. Part-II Examination April-2024 |
Result of M.B.B.S. Third Proff. Part-2 Examination April-2024 |
Published on 19-04-2024 |
Retotalling Result of M.B.B.S. Final Part-I Examination Jan-2024 |
Retotaling Result of B.A.M.S..-4th Year Exam-Dec-2023 |
Retotalling Result of M.B.B.S.-1st Year Exam Feb-2024 |
Retotalling Result of B.A.M.S. 1st Year Exam. Dec-2023 (Roll no. 22210276) |